Today we will tell you about the motivation for weight loss, as this problem is very important for everyone. Modern humanity in its development has faced the biggest, perhaps, biggest problem in its history. Before that, there was no such thing. This is obesity. Many generations, especially in recent centuries, have done everything to make their lives easier. In this endeavor, an amazing result was achieved.
Now you do not have to constantly fear in our modern society for your life that you will die of hunger. Once the food has become enough to provide yourself with energy. However, for many, part of the food is spent only to support all the processes of life (heart function, respiration, metabolism, etc. ) and the rest is converted into fat, although it should be spent on movement (activity). .

So the trouble came from where he did not expect it. As many people start spending less energy but eating a lot at the same time, overweight (obesity) has become a global problem.
Where did the idea that everything is so simple come from?
In nature, there must be a layer of fat in the human body. It is like a battery (fat stores). In case of unforeseen circumstances, the body will draw energy from it. Yes, and between meals there must be somehow. Do not eat all the time without a break.
The question is different. Why carry extra batteries? Indeed, for some, their weight is comparable to the normal weight of the wearer. However, there is a belief in society that excess fat stores can be removed in almost a week, so many people believe that you can lose weight fast, with little or no effort. Herein lies the trap, as people, realizing that everything is simple, continue to destroy their health, beauty and life. And it seems we can not believe it when on TV he annoyingly advertises stars of the show, businesses that have lost weight very quickly and the "100" appear. However, not everything is so simple and easy…
What is hidden behind this? Behind the scenes is a good nutritionist, trainer, modern exercise equipment and other means (catabolic hormonal drugs, liposuction). Most people just do not have this. But there is a great desire to lose those extra pounds, while maintaining your health, then the motivation for weight loss will be useful to you.
Consequences of being overweight
- Vascular disease leading to hypertension (blood pressure).
- Circulatory disorders leading to heart attacks and strokes.
- Type 2 diabetes.
- Diseases of the joints (arthritis) and the appearance of intervertebral hernias.
- Many inconveniences and restrictions.
And not only that, but the most important thing. So you have to decide for yourself what is more expensive for you a sofa and a high calorie food (harmful) or a slim figure, health, youth, beauty and happiness (desire to live)?
Reasons for excuses
- The most common reason is a reference to the fact that there is no time. Indeed it is. Modern man has done everything to not have a free minute to exercise his body (he believes it). Work, travel time, traffic jams and all that while sitting. At home, the rest of the time is spent on the computer and the TV. What kind of health are we talking about here?
- Without money. The reason seems to be heavy, but if you start saving on food and do not eat high-calorie (harmful) foods, then something can be allocated for sports, but you can do it yourself without going to the gym. You say this is not effective - yes, nothing like that, the best options for weight loss are running and brisk walking. Now tell me, do you need money for that?
- And the main reason, we look for reasons to do nothing, but we do not want to know the ways. There is a great saying about this: "Whoever wants - will find 100 ways, and whoever does not want - 100 reasons".
No one will force you to solve your problems except yourself, because many are waiting for someone to solve them. But it is time to act and not wait for a miracle of methods or the self-destruction of body fat. By doing this, you are leading yourself to a dead end!
Motivation for weight loss - tips
In society, however, the norms have been maintained when it is believed that the person who has a lot of extra pounds looks ugly. Since nature dictates its own rules and one of them is natural selection. For example, see how peacocks and other animals display before choosing a mate. . .
And when a young man sees in front of him a not small crimson donut, then he does not have the desire to marry her immediately (meet). The same goes for women. They are reluctant to marry a man who is very overweight, as this shows a direct relationship with the ability to take care of themselves. Here you can philosophize for a long time that appearance is not important, but there are several reasons when a person consciously does not take care of himself or there are certain diseases, but in 99% this is the first reason. Although this is another story. . .
Therefore, we must weigh everything and decide for ourselves once and for all. It is worthwhile to change your diet and lifestyle to maintain your health and beauty as much as possible and to be happy or to "sit down" in a few decades without knowing the joy of communicating with your grandchildren. And if the prospect of a second choice does not suit you, then:
- Start looking for free time to exercise.
- Consult your doctor to find out what kind of exercise is acceptable for you.
- Find a gym or place to exercise, such as indoors or outdoors.
- Choose your own diet, but a diet with kefir or protein is perfect.
- Seek help from a specialist or person who knows a lot about writing a training program or you can find this information on this site, here you will find a lot of useful information - having learned that you will create a program for yourself.
There are many methods by which the correct weight is calculated, but almost all of them are approximate and very primitive. So let's analyze some of the real ones.
- The simplest and most effective method is to look at your body in the mirror. You will immediately see the defects, as the excess should not hang or hang! You will not argue with yourself if fat folds are reflected in the mirror on the body. Even if you like your body (this is complacency).
- The most accurate method is considered to take place within the walls of a well-equipped laboratory and experienced specialists. As a complete analysis will be performed, which will show the ratio in the body of fats, muscles, water etc. Something that does not always happen in life. There are not many such centers.
A person can not live normally for a long time if there is no or very little fat in his body. This is completely contrary to the laws of nature, although some people suffer from a disease in which they do not gain weight (anorexia). Medicine strictly forbids deliberate exhaustion. However, everything needs a logical measure. The optimal ratio of food as a percentage should be: 60% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 10% fat.
What do we have to do
You need to consider your diet first, as you will not be on a regular diet and you need good motivation to lose weight. So get a piece of paper, a calorie chart, a scale and start writing down the weight of everything you eat. In the first stage, this will be a problem for you due to the fact that there is no habit and there is no time to find a few minutes in the hustle and bustle. But if you are determined, you will succeed. I am sure that the result of the study will show what should be excluded from the menu in order to start eating properly.
The next step is diet. And this is the hardest part of the weight loss program. Absence or small amount of willpower will affect. But if you do everything right and do not back down, having patience, then the power of will will appear over time and slowly the weight will begin to return to normal.
Also, do not forget that in order to achieve health, beauty, harmony and inner state, it is necessary to follow an active lifestyle, play sports and eat right.
Is It Possible To Lose Weight Fast?
The question is definitely interesting, but you will not find the answer to it. No, if you do not eat anything, then on the third day of the hunger strike there will be noticeable weight loss. The longer it goes on, the higher the result. This is of course a joke, but there is some truth in every joke, since the portions of food must be reduced anyway.
- To achieve a sustainable and long-term result, in addition to diet, you need to start eating right and moving. Here you can offer and offer different ways of moving. The simplest of these are walking, swimming, running and so on. Preferably at least one hour a day. It is especially good if your work is at a distance of 3-4 kilometers from home. You can then increase the route by walking home for lunch.
- In summer, a regular bike can help, and in winter, an exercise bike or treadmill.
- Forget transport and elevators - walk, as it is very effective and significantly increases metabolism.
- So the gym is a good choice. Here you can dose the load, giving more time to the problem areas. In the same place, instructors will always tell you what will go wrong and how to perform certain exercises, but it so happens that there are not so many competent experts in this field. . . And another advantage will be the appearance of new acquaintances - like-minded, thanks to whom the motivation for weight loss will be even higher. In general, the best way has not yet been invented.
- Separately, I mean swimming. In summer, if there is an opportunity to visit natural reservoirs, then you should give them your preference. Gradually, closer to autumn, the water will start to cool and this is an excellent hardening, which improves blood circulation throughout the body, which contributes to better fat burning and improves immunity. The pool in some ways is still missing out on a natural reservoir. But there you can always get good advice and the pool is open all year round.
Motivation options for weight loss
To have a lasting effect while changing your weight, you need a good reason. If not here's a new product just for you! You can motivate yourself:
- Improving health and overall well-being.
- The birth of a healthy child. A very strong reason, the natural instinct will come to the rescue.
- Buy a fashionable skirt. Sometimes it works much better than having a baby. He is like someone.
- Proving to yourself and others that you are strong and will cope with all the difficulties, because life is a struggle and not fighting means not living.
- Change and become attractive. There is no price for this incentive.
If this is not for you, then find a motivation for yourself that will make you work hard on yourself, eat right and do it for the rest of the best period of your life.
How to create motivation
The motivation for weight loss starts with a dream, so imagine what will happen if you lose weight. And for that, look at yourself in the mirror and imagine yourself in the image you wanted to have. It's very difficult for people who do not have the imagination to do this. Then choose an image for yourself, find its image and take it with you everywhere. This is necessary to remind you from time to time the ultimate goal.
Break your desire into many complete pieces. For example, you achieve a weight loss of 2 kg. Then you should not be interested, only these two kilos and finally. And only after you do what is possible and achieve results, set yourself the next small task, for example, to lose 2-3 kilos more. If you are thinking of losing 20 pounds then none of that will work. Only with small steps do you need to go to your dream, sometimes to think about the main thing.
Some have already given up without even trying, thinking that they will not succeed, and therefore will not take it. It's all nonsense! All those who want to achieve their goal and do not expect gifts from fate, as it will not be without your work for yourself.
And yet, never remember your age and do not abandon yourself because of it. There are many examples when people in their sixties learned to run marathons and succeeded. Remember, a person then begins to age when he says to himself: enough!
Exercise, eat right and get better and the motivation for weight loss will help you. I wish you success!